Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all our employees at work is the paramount priority for the Company.
This is a temporary policy to support current government guidance for social distancing within the workplace due to Covid 19. This policy must be followed along with all Health and Safety signage, policies and guidance.
The detail and guidance within this policy is compulsory for all employees at all times, to ensure safety for themselves and others whilst at work.
Employees found to be in breach of the guidance within this policy may be disciplined for gross misconduct.
Individual risk groups
For further information on the below categories, please contact your GP.
Shielded (People within this group should work from home if possible and can attend their place of work as of 1st August)
This category is for clinically extremely vulnerable employees, and the advice provided to them by the NHS and it is recommended they keep themselves informed with the updating guidance. times.
High risk
This group includes the over 70’s, expectant mothers and those with specific chronic pre-existing conditions. Risk assessments may need to be carried out for these employees where they are unable to work from home. Is they have any queries or concerns about returning to work, they should discuss these with their manager as soon as possible.
General public
This category refers to those individuals who are fit and well. These employees should attend work, where they are unable to work from home, or are required at work for business needs, for example; your role is within the chain for key workers, construction, factory work etc.
Sources: and
General guidance
Employees must ensure the Company holds their relevant current personal and emergency contact details on file.
Where necessary, health and safety risks assessments will be carried out and relevant PPE will be provided.
Outside of the workplace, employees are expected to follow the current Government and NHS guidance which can be found on: and web sites
Self-checks before leaving home to attend work
As advised by the NHS, if you have any of the below symptoms, do not attend work and ensure you use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service for further guidance and to order a test immediately:
• a high temperature
• a new, continuous cough
• loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
Please follow the guidance and steps on the below web page to apply for testing if you develop the above stated symptoms;
All employees and management must remain vigilant and report if they observe these symptoms for themselves or others within the workplace.
If you have symptoms, you must self-isolate for 7 days and if symptoms persist after that time, you would need to self-isolate for a further 7 days.
If anyone in your household has symptoms, you would need to self-isolate for 14 days. If you develop symptoms whilst self-isolating, you would self-isolate for 7 days from the onset of the symptoms.
Visitors / Deliveries
Vistors - Customers or sales person
Before attending qualiturn please make sure you have an appointment at the site with a member of staff. Failure to have meeting arrange may restult in access decline.
DO NOT Vist qualiturn if you are showing any symptoms,
Delivery drivers
You must buzz or call main gate. You will le let in and directed to drop off point. Give situstion of delivery and please keep safe distance from oour staff. If signing we will use our own pens.
Please follow your own company policys also when on our site.
DO NOT Vist qualiturn if you are showing any symptoms,
Sick notes and pay
You can obtain a sick note online for these absences and these should be sent to your manager.
You will receive sick pay for these absences in line with your terms and conditions of employment.
Social and safe distancing
Employees must at all times remain at least 2-metres (3-steps) apart where possible, when sitting/working at a work area, moving around and or entering and exiting areas, and the premises. Where this is not possible, instruction will be given.
Break times must also be punctual to support social distancing measures. Check staff notice board for break time Rota.
Regularly check staff notice boards for updates or more information
Report and equipment dirty or products needing a refill.
If you have any suggestion or measures that will make the working environment safer please speak to your manager.
Where 2meter rule is not possible try to
• Group workers together, to form a social bubble, to help stop the spread of infection.
• If face to face contact is essential, this should be less than 15 minutes
Good hygiene
• Hand hygiene
Upon arrival at work employees should use the sanitizers provided/wash their hands for 20 seconds with soap and warm water. This should also be done when entering and exiting the workplace throughout the day.
• Coughing and sneezing
Employees should ensure they always cough or sneeze in their elbow area or cough or sneeze into a tissue. If this does not happen and hands are used, hands must immediately be washed with soap and warm water for a minimum of 20 seconds.
• Tissue usage
If a tissue is used, it must be thrown in the bin and hands are to be immediately washed/sanitized as stated above.
• Work areas
These must regularly have cleaned, throughout the day. Use antibacterial sprays and blue towels provided
• We all have to work together and support each other through these time. Look out for each other. Make sure your friends and colleges are ok.
• Help to keep your work environment safe and clean.
• Please Think about the environment, do not waste cleaning products. Make sure you dispose of tissues etc. in bins provided. Help the planet
Food and kitchen area
Employees are encouraged to bring in their own food/meals from home and follow notice board for break times, Hands should be washed/sanitized upon entry in that area and again upon exit each time throughout the day.
This area should be wiped down with equipment provided after each use.
Refrain from sharing food and sweats.
Make sure you use your own personal cup and uses the dishwasher regular to clean your tea break equipment.
Refrain from making others drinks.
Please refrain from leaving site to go to the shops.
Bring to site the food you require for the day.
Toilet and washroom facilities
Only two employees at a time can use this facility. Open door and check before entering.
Hands should be washed/sanitized upon entry in that area and again upon exit.
This area should be cleaned after each use with antibacterial wipes/spray and blue towels provided.
Report and equipment dirty or products needing a refill.
Continuing to work together
This policy may be updated in line with evolving Government, NHS and Public Health guidance.
Should you have any concerns or questions, please ensure you discuss these with Nick Groom
Qualiturn Products Limited
7 Fountain Drive
SG13 7UB
tel. +44 (0) 1992 584499